Healthy Soil? Test Your Soil Before Adding Unnecessary Amendments

Step 4: Healthy Soil

What is a Soil Test and Why Do You Need One?


Before starting a garden or landscaping, it’s important to have a soil test performed. A soil test will give you a snapshot of the pH of your soil and the level of nutrients available. This is critical for plant health. Too much or too little of any nutrient can be the difference between success or failure. Before you go out and spend money on fertilizer that you may or may not need, call your local extension office and request a soil test kit.




The University of New Hampshire (UNH) Cooperative Extension provides soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations to farmers, homeowners, and researchers. Recommendations are based on the latest research and are specific to the crop being grown. Samples can be mailed or submitted in-person. Best practices for submitting your soil sample will help guide you during the process.