Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Town of Exeter New Hampshire Official Website

Exeter's Capital Improvement Program or CIP identifies the capital needs of the town and indicates how these needs might be funded over a six-year period. 

It describes long-term capital needs for all municipal departments including highway, police, fire, parks and recreation, water, sewer, public library and other departments.

The CIP is a planning document.  As such, it is updated annually and subject to change as the needs of the town change.  Adjustments are made for new regulations, growth in population, transportation alternatives, changes in priorities, or other needs.  One effective use of the CIP is that it provides for considerable advance project identification, public discussion, project design and definition of scope, cost estimating, and financial planning.

The goal of the CIP is to establish a system of procedures and priorities by which to evaluate public improvement projects in terms of public safety, public need, project continuity, financial resources, and the strategic goals for the Town.  The CIP allows town departments to establish a methodology and priority system to providing efficient and effective services.  It also provides an opportunity for citizens and interested parties to voice their requests for community improvement projects.