Let Clippings Lie - Fertilizer Wisely

3: Leave the Lawn Clippings

Leave the Lawn Clippings - Don't Bag Them!

Most mature lawns need a pH adjustment, not fertilizer.  Typically leaving the clippings on your lawn to decompose is enough to provide the nutrients a lawn needs.  And better yet....it is free!




Did you know that fertilizer application is prohibited in some areas of Town (see zoning ordinance section 9.1.7 and 9.3.4.F)? When outside the restricted areas, a soil test should be used to indicate the need for fertilizer. Choosing the correct fertilizer is so important to ensuring the long-term success of your plants and can prevent excess nutrients runoff from your property. Here are some helpful tips on how to read a fertilizer back.



Each fertilizer bag with contain three number separated by a dashed line. For example, a bag could read something as 5-10-5. The first number represent nitrogen, the second number represents phosphorous, and the last number represents potassium. All three numbers represent the percent of dry weight of each element represented in the bag. From the example mentioned above, a 10-pound bag of fertilizer would contain 0.5 pounds of potassium.


 Applying Fertilizer Properly

Fertilizer should never be applied on hard ground, steep slopes, before a storm event, or in amounts greater than your lawn needs. If using a fertilizer spreader, calibrating your spreader correctly ensures the proper amount is applied and is a key step for keeping excess nutrients out of our waterways. Bonus: You’ll also save money by not wasting purchased fertilizer.


For more information on how and why you would want to calibrate your spreader visit:
