New Law Changing How to Obtain a Copy of the Absentee Voter Checklist

New Law Change--Providing Candidates with Lists of Absentee Voter Lists

Two different bills amended RSA 657:15, Sending Absentee Ballots. Laws of 2021, Chapter 187 (House Bill 326), provides in pertinent part:

     II. Candidates whose names appear on the ballot and persons bearing notarized requests or copies of notarized requests from candidates whose names appear on the ballot may obtain a list of absentee voter applicants from the clerk, excluding voters who have presented to the supervisors of the checklist valid protective orders pursuant to RSA 173-B. If requested this list shall be supplied electronically from the information in the statewide centralized voter registration database. If an electronic copy exists, it shall be provided without charge in accordance with RSA 91-A.

Laws of 2021, Chapter 132, (House Bill 223), provides in pertinent parts:

Information on the statewide absentee voter list shall be limited to voter name, voter ID number, the date the absentee ballot was requested, and the date that the ballot was returned.

(Emphasis added) Amends paragraph III.

Political parties and persons bearing notarized requests from political parties may obtain a statewide list of absentee voter applicants, excluding voters who have presented to the supervisors of the checklist valid protective orders pursuant to RSA 173-B from the secretary of state. Information on the statewide absentee voter list shall be limited to voter name, voter ID number, the date the absentee ballot was requested, and the date that the ballot was returned.

(Emphasis added) Amends paragraph III-a.

The secretary of state shall provide the list requested pursuant to paragraphs III and III-a at least once per week and at least twice per week for the 4 weeks prior to the election.

The Town Clerk will be receiving e-mailed Excel files containing the information now permitted by law on who has requested and who has returned an absentee ballot. The Excel files are for the Town Clerk's use in fulfilling candidate requests for this information. As provided by law for requests to the Secretary of State for a statewide list, we will send you the lists three times a week. The lists will contain data at the close of business on Friday, Tuesday and Thursday. The secretary of state will e-mail the Town Clerk files on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, but only if there are absentee ballot requests entered into ElectioNet.

The clerk will fulfill a candidate’s request by e-mailing the Excel file to the candidate or if the candidate requests, printing and providing the list on paper.