History of Exeter Parks and Recreation
The Exeter Parks and Recreation Department has not always been the way it is today with all the summer camps, youth sports, trips and other programs; it was a process in the making to reach the point we are at today.
In April 1965, the Recreation Commission was first created after the Select Board at the time appointed a five-member commission. The commission consisted of John A. Anderson, Eleanor (Mrs. John A.) Stollar, and J. Arthur Tufts. These three had already been on the Community Center Commission. The other two members were Allen Maxwell and Mathew J. Callahan, Jr. At this time, there were not many recreation opportunities available for the youth members of society. The commission sponsored hockey programs for children and basketball for girls and women.
It was not until 1968, when the Recreation Commission requested a $6,000 appropriation for six month's salary for a recreation director passed. In January 1969, the new director, Robert Young began his duties. Mr. Young stayed for a little over a year, where the position was picked up by part-time help. In 1971, long-time director Douglas Dicey was hired.
The department is now called Exeter Parks and Recreation, and after a long history of evolution, stops, and starts, the department offers a vast amount of programs to residents of Exeter.