Flag Exchange at Exeter Town Clerks Office, hosted by Girl Scout Troop 12557


American Flag Retirement is the term used to define the proper, dignified way of destroying United States Flags that are no longer fit to serve the nation.

There are many local organizations that will take your Flag for proper retirement.  Many Boy and Girl Scout Troops, local fire and police departments, American Legions, VFW's, and sportsman's clubs participate in Flag retirement ceremonies. They often occur on Flag Day, which is June 14th every year.  

Girl Scout Troop 12557 is hosting an American Flag Exchange Program for those who have old and torn Flags and would like to retire and replace them.  Residents can bring in their used Flag and swap it with a new Flag.  

Troop 12557 raised enough money to purchase 46 3' x 5' Flags.  We hope residents can help us keep this program going by donating more Flags or by giving donations through the Town Clerk's Office.  

Just bring in your old Flag to drop off during regular business hours and ask for a new one at the Town Clerk's Window.  Please note:  Flag should be a similar size of 3' x 5'.  


Girl Scout Troop 12557