Historic District Commission Review

When should I submit an application for HDC review?

If your home or building is located within one of Exeter's historic districts and you expect to perform any alterations to the exterior design, materials, color, or features of your structure, you must submit an application for review and approval to the HDC. This must be done prior to performing any of the proposed changes. This process may be found in the HDC Preservation Guidelines.  These Guidelines are not intended to delay or prevent you from performing ordinary maintenance or repair to your property, but rather are a sincere effort to help the community preserve the historic 'uniqueness' of Exeter.

Here is a list of items that do not require an HDC application:

  • Building maintenance when a feature is being repaired or replaced, without change to the design, material, or color
  • Cleaning of your building's exterior. However, be sure to use the most gentle method possible. A mild soap and water solution is probably best for painted surfaces. Liquid bleach diluted in water can be used to remove mildew. Sandblasting and water blasting can be extremely dangerous to old surfaces and masonry and should be avoided. Spot test any chemical cleaning agents in an inconspicuous place for staining and other ill effects.
  • Changes to interior elements of your structure that do not impact an exterior feature.
  • General landscaping maintenance that does not significantly impact on the overall appearance of the site. Changes to landscape features, such as patios, walkways, fences, lighting, cosmetic removal of trees, etc., are subject to HDC review and approval as outlined in the HDC Preservation Guidelines.    


Color Guidelines in Historical District    

The HDC Guidelines will "overlay" the provisions of the Town of Exeter Zoning Ordinance (Article 8.4) for the zoning district in which the property is located. The provisions of the zoning ordinance applicable to the zoning district will control most uses and dimensional requirements. All other items require an HDC application. Each application will be judged on its own merit.

Exeter is one of the earliest settlements in the United States and is blessed with many buildings and structures from important historic periods. The maintenance and preservation of Exeter's historic buildings is a key aspect of the Historic District Commission. One way the Commission seeks to promote these structures is maintained is by using period colors. By ensuring that a building is as close to its original appearance the Commission keeps the historical integrity of the individual buildings and the Town as a whole.

List of Acceptable Colors for buildings in the Historical District are available in the attached PDF.


For further information, please contact the Planning Department in the Exeter Town Office at 778-0591.  

Exeter Historic District Commission Applications can be found in the documents below. Select the one most appropriate to your situation.