Business Forms and Permits
The paperwork necessary to establish, build, or grow a business will vary depending on the location, nature of the business, or other regulations. To help navigate the form and permit process as smoothly as possible, please call (603) 773-6112 to schedule an appointment with the Economic Development Director, Darren Winham, or the Building Inspector, Doug Eastman.
Necessary forms may include:
- Variance application
- Special exception application
- Appeal of administrative decision
- Equitable waiver of dimensional requirements
Historic District Commission
Bids and RFPs
All businesses that are considering establishing, building, or growing in Exeter are encouraged to meet with the town planner and building inspector to ensure the completion of all the necessary paperwork. The customer service counter area at the Planning and Building Departments at the town office building (10 Front Street) can also provide resources such as:
- Exeter's Master Plan ($35)
- Site and Subdivision Regulations ($15)
- Zoning Ordinance ($15)
- Preservation Guidelines for the Exeter Historic District
- Town Forest Maps ($2.50)
- Tax maps
- GIS maps
- Flood maps
- Zoning maps