How to Register To Vote



To register to vote in New Hampshire, you must be:

  • 18 years of age or older on election day
  • A United States citizen, AND
  • Domiciled in the town or ward where you seek to vote.



When determining the qualifications of an applicant, the Supervisors of the Checklist shall require the applicant to present documents of proof of identity, citizenship, age, and domicile.  You may present documents in paper or electronic form. (RSA 654:12)

  • A driver’s license or non-driver ID from any state is proof of identity and age. A driver’s license or non-driver ID is also proof of domicile if the listed address matches the domicile address you enter on the voter registration form.
  • A birth certificate, U.S. Passport/Passport card, or naturalization document is proof of citizenship and age.

Note: A New Hampshire Real ID compliant driver’s license is NOT proof of U.S. Citizenship.

If you possess ONE of the following qualified documents issued in your name, you must bring and present it when registering to vote:

  • New Hampshire driver’s license or identification card issued by the Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) under RSA 260:21, RSA 260:21-a, or RSA 260:21-b
    • This document is proof of identity, age. This document is also proof of domicile if the listed address matches the domicile address entered on the applicant’s voter registration form.
  • New Hampshire resident vehicle registration.       
    • This document is proof of domicile if the listed address matches the domicile address you enter on the voter registration form.
  • Picture identification issued by the United States government that contains a current address.
    • This document is proof of identity, proof of age if your date-of-birth is listed, and proof of domicile if the listed address matches the domicile address you enter on the voter registration form.
  • A government issued check, benefit statement, or tax document.  
    • This document is proof of domicile if the listed address matches the domicile address you enter on the voter registration form.

If you do not possess any of these documents and attest under penalty of voting fraud that you do not possess any of these documents, you may use other reasonable documentation to prove your qualifications to vote. If needed, the election official receiving your application will provide you with an attestation form to complete. With this form, you will attest that you do not possess any of the documents listed above.
Any one of the following documents, listing your name, prove your United States citizenship:

  • Birth certificate;
  • United States passport or passport card;
  • Naturalization papers;
  • Other reasonable documentation that establishes that it is more likely than not that you are a United States citizen.

Any reasonable documentation indicating that you will be 18 years of age or older on the date of the next election.

The following documents are recognized by law as proof of domicile. You need only one document:

  • A document from the school that you attend showing that you live in campus housing. A document issued by the school that has your name and the address (on or off campus) where you live qualifies. Many colleges and universities provide students with acceptable documents.
    • Students may use a smart phone or other electronic device to show the election official a page from the college or university’s official student electronic records website. The web page must list the student’s name and dorm assignment or off-campus residence address. Some universities have established a web page resource specifically for this purpose. Consult  your school officials if you cannot find and display this information from your school’s system.
  • A document showing the address that you claim as domicile listing the name of the owner, property manager (for a college dorm this includes a school official or Resident Assistant), or tenant along with a written statement from the person listed as the owner, property manager, or tenant that you reside at that address. The statement must acknowledge that the person signing does so under penalty of voting fraud if false information is provided.  A written signed statement containing the same information satisfies the law. The person vouching for your living at the same address may use any one of the documents described above to prove their own domicile. A college official or Resident Assistant can use college stationary or a college form.
  • A rental agreement, lease, or similar document that shows your name, the address of your domicile, and that you are renting or leasing at that address for a period of more than 30 days, to include time directly prior to an election day. The document must show the domicile you plan to have on Election Day.
  • A document showing that you own the place you claim as domicile, such as a deed, property tax bill, or other similar document that has your name and the domicile address you enter on the voter registration form 
  • A document containing your name and the address you claim as domicile showing that you enrolled a dependent minor child in an established public or private elementary or secondary school which serves the town or ward of your domicile.
  • Any state or federal tax form, other government form, or government issued identification that shows your name and your domicile address.
  • Any form from the U.S. Post Office showing your name and the physical address where you are domiciled (not a Post Office Box). The confirmation you received by e-mail or U.S. mail when you reported your new address to the post office fulfills the requirement.  o Canceled mail addressed in your name to your domicile address that shows the U.S. Postal Service delivered the mail to you at that address satisfies the proof of domicile requirement.
  • A public utility bill, such as an electric, telephone, water, gas, or other utility bill, with your name and domicile address on it.
  • A note from a homeless shelter or other service provider located in the town or ward where you will vote that confirms they will receive U.S. mail sent to you at that address.

Anyone of the following documents is proof of your identity:

  • Photo driver’s license issued by any state or the federal government.
  • United States passport, pass card, armed services identification or other photo identification issued by the United States government.
  • Photo identification issued by local or state government.

Any other reasonable evidence that establishes that it is more likely than not you are who you claim to be.  

Election officials in your town or city may accept photo identification issued by employers including, but not limited to, hospitals, educational institutions, or local employers know to have reliable employee photo identification issuance procedures.

  • Verification of your identity based on personal knowledge by the moderator or other election official. (Ex: clerk, supervisor of the checklist, registrar, select board member, ward clerk, and their deputy, assistant, or pro tem appointee.)
  • Residents of a nursing home or similar facility may prove their identity through verification by the facility administrator or by his or her designee.

Bring Proof Documents to Register
You must bring documents that establish your qualifications with you when registering to vote. If you do not have proof documents with you, you will be directed to retrieve them and return to complete your registration when you can provide the required proof of your qualifications as a voter.

Do not hesitate to ask the town/city clerk or the supervisors of the checklist at their meeting or at the polls on Election Day if you have any questions about how to register to vote. Your local election officials will help you.

For information about the next session of the Supervisors of the Checklist, visit their meeting calendar page.