Assessing Department

Assessing Department


The Assessing Department is responsible for discovering, identifying, and valuing all real estate within the town boundaries. The Assessor's primary responsibility is to estimate the fair market value of your property at least once in every five year cycle, as well as, working to maintain assessment equity between property classes during the interim years so that you and other taxpayers may contribute your fair share of support for the community services you receive. For these services to continue, other agencies, as well as the town, must levy taxes. State laws define the powers of these taxing agencies and the kinds of properties that are exempt from taxes, such as schools, churches and charitable organizations.

The assessment process is not utilized to raise or lower taxes paid by individuals, but to be sure that all owners of similar classes of properties are sharing the burden equitably. The assessment value does not raise or lower the tax bill on a property, that is a result of budgetary requirements.

2024 Tax Rate: $17.79

2024 Equalization Ratio: 94.7%

Taxpayers can view their Exeter property and assessment information on-line thru Vision Appraisal. This database is updated several times a year to reflect the latest assessment information, so you may want to verify any recent sale or ownership information with the Assessing Office as our information is the official data and the most current. You can go to Vision Appraisal to print your property assessment record on-line.