Public Works

The Public Works Department is committed to serving the community with excellence.  We strive to maintain the road system in the best condition possible, provide a clean and ample supply of water for people to enjoy, and dispose of wastewater in a way that does not pollute. 

We provide for the proper disposal of residential solid waste, ensure warm and clean municipal buildings, and maintain a safe, reliable vehicle and equipment fleet.  We are committed to rendering quality work while exercising strict fiscal responsibility.  Our commitment to the preservation of the town's antiquity parallels our desire to provide a progressive avenue into the next century. 

More from our department:

trash and recycle delayed

1/20/2025: Trash and recycle pick-up will be delayed one day due to the snow on Monday, January 20th. Please have your trash and recycle out before 7am on the day after your regular pick-up day to ensure it will not be missed. 

plow truck

It is the goal and intent of the Town of Exeter to provide timely, efficient, and cost-effective winter maintenance, snow removal, and ice control on the roadways of the municipality for the safety and benefit of the Town's residents and the general motoring public. This will be achieved by implementing and executing the procedures and tasks outlined in the Town Winter Operations Snow Removal and Ice Control Procedures.

pickpocket dam

11/20/2024: A Public Information Session has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 10th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m at the Exeter Public Library.

drinking water

The Exeter Water Department needs your assistance! Notices were mailed out to certain water service residents with unknown water service line material. The steps below will help you locate your water service and help determine the water service’s pipe material. 

Guide to locating your water service

Step 1: Your water service most likely enters through the lowest level, up through the basement floor or low along the foundation wall. The water service line may also be located within a crawl space or utility closet and will be connected to your water meter.


The Exeter Public Works Department will be mowing the cross-country sewer main along the Town’s right-of-way from Phinney Lane to Gilman Lane. This work is set to begin on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Mowing will be performed during the day between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Weather permitting this work will take approximately two (2 ) weeks to complete. The equipment to be used will be a mini-tracked excavator with a flail mower. The work is expected to be finished by November 26th, weather permitting. Abutters of this project will be notified.


Composting is easy! Did you know that you can reduce your blue bag usage (cost savings) by composting?

Clothes aren't trash

Clothes aren't trash! The Town has partnered with Helpsy to offer residents a sustainable method of recycling clothing and textiles, helping residents reduce their solid waste.

The approximate limits of work - Continental to Cronin
Epping Road Widening - Continental Drive to Cronin Road

9/19/24: The widening of Epping Road from Continental Drive to Cronin Road is scheduled to begin September 23, 2024.  The project is intended to improve capacity and safety by introducing a center two-way left-turn lane that will provide refuge for vehicles turning into and out of adjacent driveways and side streets. The project is largely in response to growing commercial and residential development along the Epping Road corridor. 

webster ave pump station

9/26/2024: The contractor is constructing the wet well under the proposed pump station.  Pipe crews are installing the 12-inch HDPE in Webster Ave starting near the pump station and working toward Jady Hill Ave. The gas company relocated a portion of the gas main to make way for the force main construction.

Westside Drive Neighborhood

Update 6/12/2023: Using the public feedback from the online forum and an additional survey, the Town is moving forwarded with Conceptual Roadway Plan #2, which features sidewalks only near the entrance of the neighborhood.