COVID-19 Updates & Other News

Mask Advisory - February 22nd, 2022
At their February 22nd, 2022 meeting, the Select Board removed the emergency regulation requiring the use of face coverings. In place of the regulation, a mask advisory is now in effect.
You can read more on the Mask Advisory page.
Meetings Return to In Person Format - June 11th, 2021
On June 12th, with the expiration of New Hampshire's State of Emergency, town committee meetings will return in person.
Several boards and committees will be offering a hybrid meeting option allowing residents to attend from home via Zoom. To see if the meeting you want to attend is in person only or offering a zoom option, see the agenda for the meeting on the minutes and agendas page.
Business Assistance During COVID
Please visit the Economic Development's page for links to resources available to businesses. If you're a business owner in Exeter, you can sign up for Darren Winham's economic update email list by clicking here.