Neighborhood Professional Commercial Districts
There are three neighborhood professional districts in Exeter: one bordered by Kingston Rd and the railroad tracks; one located along Hampton Road; and one bordered by rt 27 (the segment of Epping Road north of its intersection with 101) and Beech Hill Rd.
The most common industries located within the NP districts are health & medicine (62%), finance (11.5%), construction (10%), and legal (5%).
The neighborhood professional districts are zoned as "NP." In NP, zoning ordinances allow for the following uses:
- Professional and medical offices
- Child day care
- Multi-use
- Garden supply establishments
Permitted accessories include: off-street parking, 10% of gross floor area may be used for retail services
Exceptions (granted by the zoning board of adjustment) may include: business offices, nursing homes, healthcare facilities, elderly congregate healthcare facilities, essential services, residential uses, medical rehabilitation facilities, residential conversions, community buildings, and recreation facilities.