2025 Deliberative Session

Calendar Date:
Saturday, February 1, 2025 - 9:00am

Exeter High School auditorium with many blue seats in front of a stage

Town Deliberative Session

Saturday, February 1st, 2025

Doors Open at 8:00 AM -- Meeting Starts at 9:00 AM

Exeter High School

1 Blue Hawk Drive.

Exeter, NH 03833

Watch the Deliberative Session live on Comcast Channel 22 on online on Exeter TV's YouTube page

What are they and why should the voters be there?

Before most of our local towns switched to SB2 (Senate Bill 2/RSA 40:13), they held Traditional New England Town and School Meetings. Everything--the budget, the warrant articles, zoning amendments--was thoroughly discussed by voters at that one meeting and then decided by a vote of those present.

With SB2 there are two sessions. The Deliberative Session comes first. That is when the voters can discuss amendments to budgets and warrant articles. Deliberative sessions are held the first few weeks in February. The second, the Voting Session, is when we cast our votes on the official ballot for the budget, warrants and candidates. 

If you want to discuss and have some input as to what goes on the official ballot at the Voting Session, you have to be at the Deliberative Session. Otherwise, on voting day, you can only vote on what others have decided.