2022 Exeter Facilities Condition Assessment RFP
2022 Exeter Facilities Condition Assessment RFP
The Town of Exeter is currently accepting bids for a Town-Wide Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA). The main goal of this assessment is to create a database and reporting structure that will be integrated with Exeter's existing asset inventory and work order system (PeopleSoft GIS) and is easy to update and maintain.
See RFP file attached below for important details.
RFP Summary
Scope of Work:
1. Review Town plans, database and reports.
2. Meet with various Staff, Departments and Committees, as well as the Town Manager to gain an understanding of current, recurring and future issues.
3. Survey core facilities.
4. Prepare action recommendations - scope, budget and prioritization.
5. Develop renewal prioritization categories.
6. Define renewal need classification.
7. Data management & deliverables.
Project Schedule:
Goal: Complete 2022 Facilities Condition Assessment by March, 2023.
Selection Process Schedule:
RFP Issued - August 19, 2022
RFP Responses Due - September 23, 2022 12:00 noon
Team Access to Buildings
Final Reports with Cost/Budget Information Due - March 31, 2023
Proposal Requirements:
Proposals are due September 23, 2022 at 12:00 noon. In consideration of time and review, please keep proposals reasonably brief. Submit electronic proposals to:
Russell Dean
Town Manager
Town of Exeter
10 Front Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Proposals shall include:
Cover letter
Company background
Relevant project experience
Proposed project team members and availability
Proposed project schedule/work plan
Project approach
Fee proposal