Latest News and Public Notices from the Town of Exeter, NH

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Title Description More Information
Exeter / Stratham Intermunicipal Water and Wastewater Systems Evaluation Study Final Report
Sun 7/1/12

The Rockingham Planning Commission recently released the final report on the Exeter-Stratham Water and Wastewater Study.  This study was undertaken by the RPC to look at the issue of potent

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Linden Street & Court Street Bridge - Culverts Reports
Sun 7/1/12

Town voters approved funds for the design of the Linden and Court Street culvert fixes at the Town Election on March 12, 2013.  The appropriation was $150,000.

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Epping Road, Winter Street, and Spring Street Sidewalk Construction Project
Sun 7/1/12

Project Information:

As part of a town-wide pedestrian improvement effort, this project will connect sidewalks on Winter Street, Spring Street and Epping Road (NH Route 27).   The project will also provide a safer pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Winter Street and Epping Road and at the intersection of Brentwood Road (NH Route 111-A) and Epping Road.  

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