Drinkwater Road Groundwater Development
An assessment of the Town’s drinking water source capacity identified the need to develop additional groundwater sources to supplement the three existing groundwater sources (Stadium, Gilman, and Lary Lane Wells) and surface water sources (Exeter River, Exeter Reservoir, and Skinner Springs). In 2020-2021, hydrogeologists and engineers working for the Town identified 3 potential groundwater development zones and conducted geophysical testing. A site on Philips Exeter Academy property, off Drinkwater Road, was selected for further testing and development. An 8-inch test well, installed in 2022, projected the potential for a 0.5-0.7 MGD well. A Preliminary Well Siting and Large Groundwater Permit application was submitted and subsequently approved by NHDES in March 2024. In November 2024, a new 12-inch production well was installed, and a 5-day permit-required pump test was completed. A Final Well Siting report is being prepared for review by the NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau to permit the new well under the Large Groundwater Well Withdrawal rules. The proposed permitted production volume is 0.576 MGD (400 gallons per minute). Pending final permit approval, a new well, pump station, access road, and raw water transmission main will be designed and constructed. The new well be connected to the Lary Lane GWTP for treatment. This new source will increase the Town's available groundwater capacity, allow for the seasonal rotation and routine redevelopment of the existing wells, and supplement the volume of water treated at the Surface Water Treatment Plant. This project will also include the rehabilitation of the Lary Lane Well after the new source has been placed online.