Budget Recommendations Committee

Budget Recommendations Committee

The Exeter Budget Recommendations Committee was created by a vote of the 1857 Town Meeting as a five member committee.  The Committee reviews the Town's proposed operating budget for the following fiscal year.  Budget committee members are nominated via a slate presented at the annual deliberative session and confirmed via town vote.  Vacancies are filled by the Select Board.  The Committee may have up to fifteen (15) members.

Budget Committee meetings are televised on Channel 22 EXTV during the months of October and November, and the Committee's recommendations are then forwarded to the Select Board for consideration during the town budget process.

The Town Manager forwards the initial fiscal year budget to the Budget Recommendations Committee in September, along with the Select Board.  The BRC reviews each municipal department request, in a subcommittee format during October.  The subcommittee recommendations are part of the televised meetings in November.

After the Budget Recommendations Committee finalizes their budget recommendations for the ensuing fiscal year, they are transmitted to the Select Board, who reviews the recommendations and makes any adjustments to present to the Deliberative Session.  The final budget as recommended is submitted by the Select Board to Deliberative Session in February of each year.  The budget with amendments (if any) is then voted on at the Annual Town Election the second Tuesday in March.

Budget Recommendations Committee Members 2023-2024 (term runs from March election to the next March election):

Robert Kelly, Chair Judy Rowan
Elizabeth Canada Christine Soutter
Timothy Gwynne Christoper Zigmont
Anthony Zwaan Fran Hall
Enna Grazier VACANT
Andrew Elliott VACANT
Amanda Kelly VACANT

In addition, the Select Board, Town Manager and Finance Director serve as ex-officio members, but do not vote on budget items during the Budget Committee process.

(Updated 6/12/24)