Exeter Public Tree Inventory

Seeking volunteers to help the town inventory street trees

Help Map Our Street Trees

Public trees are an indispensable component to the character of our community.  Trees also provide significant environmental benefits.  Trees provide food and habitat for birds and other wildlife, support pollinating insects, cool the air, slow urban runoff during rains, clean the air of pollutants and so so much more!    

Ensuring we have a healthy, diverse, and actively managed tree canopy along our streets requires an up to date inventory of the trees within the Town's roadway right-of-way.  The Town partnered with Rockingham Planning Commission to develop a user-friendly tool to inventory our existing trees, track ongoing maintenance needs, and identify areas suitable for additional tree plantings.   

We are currently seeking volunteers to help us gather data to complete our street tree inventory.  We will provide the training.  You do not need to be a tree expert to help!  All you need is a cell phone with the free app SURVEY-123 downloaded, and a few hours to walk along a street of your choosing, collecting data.   

Want to join in on the fun?  Contact Kristen Murphy, Conservation and Sustainability Planner at kmurphy@exeternh.gov or 603-418-6452.