Exeter Tree Committee

Tree City Logo

In 2019, Exeter earned its designation as a Tree City USA!

Tree City USA is a national recognition program that began in 1976 and is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and National Association of State Foresters. 

The Exeter Tree Committee is a subcommittee of the Conservation Commission, and is charged with coordinating efforts in support of our Tree City USA designation as well as collaborating with Town departments to foster a tree-rich community.  Efforts are focused on establishing tree-friendly regulations in our local ordinances, collaborating with staff to identify tree planting sites, managing tree donations, and coordinating volunteer tree stewardship and plantings.   



Members Term
Eileen Flockhart - Chair  
Gwen English - Secretary  
Dave Short - Conservation Commission Rep  
Kevin Breen  
Greg Jordan  
Sally Ward  
Sara Sankowich  
Deb Twombly  
Sally Oxnard  
Steve Jones  
Niko Papakonstantis, Selectboard Representative  
Staff:  Greg Bisson, Parks and Recreation N/A
Staff:  Kristen Murphy, Planning Department N/A
Staff:  Jay Perkins, Public Works N/A


Updated 11/29/2023

Tree Committee News:

Seeking volunteers to help the town inventory street trees
Help Map Our Street Trees

Public trees are an indispensable component to the character of our community.  Trees also provide significant environmental benefits.  Trees provide food and habitat for birds and other wildlife, support pollinating insects, cool the air, slow urban runoff during rains, clean the air of pollutants and so so much more!    

Wild crab apple tree in bloom

Trees are one of Exeter’s greatest natural resources, providing vital aesthetic, environmental, and economic benefits to our community. They line our streets, parks, playgrounds and backyards, creating a peaceful, pleasing environment by bringing the natural elements into our downtown and surrounding neighborhoods.



April 30th, 2021 - EXETER, NH - Three trees were planted in Park Street Common to honor and remember Joanna Devaughn Colella, Joe O'Donnell, and Denny Waters.

Video produced by Exeter TV/Natasha Stoppel. 

March 2021 - The Exeter Tree Committee and a few members of the Swasey Parkway trustees took a walk through Swasey Parkway to discuss some of the trees in the parkway and efforts to conserve this important park for the enjoyment of residents and visitors.


Exeter, NH - On May 21st, 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Exeter Tree Committee held a tree planting ceremony at Lincoln Street elementary school. Volunteers, local officials, and town staff joined in celebrating the planting.

Video filmed and produced by Natasha Stoppel from Exeter TV.

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tree city flag
Tree City sign and flag
tree flag
tree painting
tree books