Town of Exeter Receives $100,000 LCHIP Grant
The Town of Exeter is honored to be one of the 30 historic resource projects selected for grant funding by the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP).
The grant will provide Exeter with $100,000 to support repairs to Raynes Barn. Raynes Barn is a state-listed historic building owned by the Town. Watch THIS episode of Exeter Outdoors to learn more about the role this property played in the town's history.
The LCHIP grant is a crucial piece of the funding puzzle necessary to make Raynes Barn structurally sound and safe for public use. The Conservation Commission approved allocating $50,000 from the Conservation Fund and is requesting a $100,000 warrant article for the remaining funds as part of the required matching funds for the grant. The warrant article will require approval from the voters at the 2022 Town Meeting. We are excited about the possibility of transforming Raynes Barn into a functional community space while protecting this State-listed historic structure for generations to come.
We plan to hold several Open Barn Days this winter offering warm cocoa and tours of the barn. To be notified of these pop-up events, follow the Exeter NH Conservation Commission’s Facebook page or email to register.