
The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) requires at least one voting system equipped for individuals with disabilities at each polling place, including nonvisual accessibility for the blind and visually impaired.  This system is called the One4all Accessible Voting System.  One4all is designed to accommodate persons who cannot mark a "traditional" paper ballot without assistance. 

One4all provides a voter with multiple options to access and mark a ballot.  The system also provides options for a "ballot on demand" or for marking pre-printed ballots.  No telephone or internet connections are required or supported by this system. 

New Hampshire was the first in the country to use such a machine during a federal election. The One4All accessible voting machine uses a tablet, keyboard and printer instead of a phone and fax. A voter has multiple ways to input his/her selection either by using the touch screen on the tablet, the keyboard, or simply speaking into a microphone attached to a set of headphones. The ballot is then printed using the attached printer and the voter submits his/her ballot like everyone else. The whole voting process now takes virtually no longer than using a paper ballot.

The program isn't just for the visually impaired, anyone is welcome to use it.

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