Exeter at High Risk for EEE

mosquito alert

Exeter, NH - September 11th, 2024: In response to recent human cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in neighboring communities, the town of Exeter has now been placed in the “High Risk” category for potential exposure to the rare but serious mosquito-borne virus. 

Given the increased threat, residents are urged to avoid outdoor activities during the hours from dusk to dawn. 

It’s important for residents to take additional precautions as well to avoid mosquito bites. Those safety measures should include:

  •  Wearing mosquito repellent and long clothing
  •  Checking for bites daily 
  •  Calling your doctor if you have flu-like symptoms

In an effort to minimize the risk of infection to the general public, schools will be moving sporting events to earlier in the day and the town’s mosquito control contractor, Northeast Vegetation & Mosquito Control, will perform another round of adulticide treatment at schools and parks next week. Private property owners can have their properties treated as well, but they would be responsible for all costs associated with the treatment. Anyone interested should contact Northeast Vegetation & Mosquito Control by calling (603) 440-1766. 
The town will remain at high risk until the area experiences a couple of hard frosts to kill off the mosquito population, which may not occur until early November depending on weather conditions over the next several weeks.

Please stay safe, remain vigilant, and feel free to reach out to Health Officer Madison Bailey by emailing mbailey@exeternh.gov or calling 603-773-6132 with any questions.


A previous update with information on what the Town has already done to combat the spread of EEE can be found in the Latest News section of our website

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precautions for dealing with EEE