Downtown Parking, Traffic, and Pedestrian Flow Open House

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm


For the past several months, the Town of Exeter has teamed with the consulting firm Stantec on the exciting Downtown Parking, Traffic, and Pedestrian Flow Analysis Study. Building upon past efforts of the Town and the Rockingham Planning Commission, the project has included a complete update of the Town’s inventory of existing parking and associated regulations in the Downtown area, parking utilization data collection, and the assessment of conditions relating to traffic and pedestrian infrastructure.

On October 4th, a public meeting and open house was held to share early parking data and to gather input about the overall parking system and transportation network in Downtown Exeter. In parallel, a public survey was conducted to better understand the user experience and preferences relating to parking and other Town improvements desired.

Based upon the data collected, discussions with stakeholders and the public, and the results of the public survey, a series of draft recommendations have now been developed to lead into the final phase of the project. The final recommendations will be shared with the Town as a tool to help direct and prioritize improvements in the parking and overall mobility system downtown. As valued stakeholder in the community, we encourage your participation.

A second public presentation and open house is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13 th , 2023 at Exeter Town Hall (10 Front Street). This meeting is open to the public and the schedule for the day

  • 6:30PM – 7:30PM – Presentation of the public survey results and draft recommendations. This will be recorded for those unable to attend.
  • 7:30PM – 8:30PM – Open house discussion for the public to ask the consultant questions and to provide feedback on the draft recommendations.

Stantec and the Town are looking forward to hearing from you to help realize the vision of Exeter’s future.