Swasey Parkway Trustees
12/13/24: Beginning Friday, December 13th, 2024, the northern portion of Swasey Parkway will be reopened to vehicular traffic. Please note that a new traffic pattern will be in effect that allows for two-way traffic between Newfields Road and the new turnaround that was installed north of the pavilion. Vehicle access will be restricted to passenger vehicles only. Parking is permitted on the east (river) side of the parkway. Two ADA accessible parking spaces are also available adjacent to the turnaround. Pedestrian access will be maintained between Water Street and the pavilion. The Parkway will be open from dawn to dusk, year-round.
Parkway Information
The Swasey Parkway is one of Exeter's most beautiful spaces. The parkway and the town land it sits on were both gifts of Ambrose Swasey to the Town of Exeter. Mr. Swasey conveyed the property subject to an agreement with the Select Board back in 1929. The financial aspects of the trust (principal only) are managed by Key Bank of Cleveland Ohio, acting as Trustee. The Select Board are named in the trust as the primary actors and overseers of the terms of the trust.
A series of two articles were passed in 1930 and 1931 regarding the Swasey Parkway. A summary of these votes is below:
Article 22, 1930 Town Warrant
To see if the town will vote to ratify the acceptance by the Selectmen of the offer of Ambrose Swasey to build a Parkway or Boulevard along the waterfront from a point on Water Street to and including the homestead lot of the late George Furnald in full accordance with said offer.
Article 22, 1930 Town Meeting minutes
To see if the town will vote to ratify the acceptance by the Selectmen of the offer of Ambrose Swasey to build a Parkway or Boulevard along the water front. It was voted on motion of Lester E. Willaims that the town ratify the vote of the Selectmen and that the town extend a vote of thanks to Ambrose Swasey.
Article 22, 1931 Town Warrant
On petition of Richard E. Shute and ten others, To see if the Town will vote to elect a Board of Trustees for the Exeter Shore Parkway, said Board to consist of three citizens and legal voters of the Town of Exeter, - one to serve for the term of one year; one to serve for the term of two years; - one to serve for the term of three years, and all to serve without pay.
Article 22, 1931 Town Meeting minutes
To elect a Board of Trustees for the Exeter Shore Parkway. It was voted on motion of Lester E. Williams that this article be accepted and adopted and the following shall be the Board of Trustees.
Swasey Parkway Administration
The parkway serves as a spot for many town events, which as of April 2019 are permitted through the Town's Parks/Recreation Department - see our Town Facility Use Page for the forms and more information.
Swasey Parkway Trustees
Member | Term | |
Dwane Staples | 4/2028 | |
David Short | 4/2026 | |
Darius Thompson | 4/2027 | |
Niko Papakonstantis, Select Board Rep. |
Term |
Dan Chartrand, Select Board Alt. |
Updated: March 12, 2025
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