Exeter 250th Celebration Commission

Exeter 250th Celebration Commission Charge - DRAFT

2026 will mark the United States' Sestercentennial anniversary of its independence.

Exeter 250th Celebration Commission is established and tasked with organizing, arranging and coordinating thematic tributes to the American Revolution, the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the "Great Experiment" of democracy.

The Commission shall consist of six (6) residents and a member of the Exeter Heritage Commission as voting members.  The terms of the membership shall expire December 31, 2026.  A Select Board member, Library representative, and Parks & Recreation representative shall participate as non-voting members.

The Commission shall consult and co-ordinate with the State of NH's American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission established under RSA 17-S, Town Departments, area businesses, non-profit organizations and neighboring towns to ensure that the Town of Exeter site events under its established tasks.

The Commission shall identify and pursue resources necessary to be appropriated in the Town's 2026 budget.  These costs may include grant opportunities, associated matching funds, free and volunteer services and monetary donations accepted by the Select Board.

Exeter 250th Celebration Commission
Voting Member Term Voting Member Term
Rev. Dr. Em Heath 12/31/2026 Karen Prior 12/31/2026
Renay Allen-Hitzrot 12/31/2026 VACANT 12/31/2026
VACANT 12/31/2026 VACANT 12/31/2026
Heritage Commission Rep.      
Julie Gilman, SB Rep.      

Updated March 18, 2025