Communications Advisory Committee

Mission Statement:

The Communication Advisory Committee’s role is to promote a more robust dialogue between the town and its citizens by evaluating and refining and expanding the different ways the town communicates.

Committee Charge:

Upon adopting the 2018 Town Master Plan the following action items were proposed. These action items provide the cornerstone of the Communications Advisory Committee:

  1. Establish a small committee charged with researching municipal information and management technologies for the Town.
  2. Evaluate the ways in which the Town communicates with the public and ensure that strategies maximize citizen engagement across multiple platforms. Determine the strategies that could be strengthen and move forward with ways for improvement.
  3. Establish baselines to organize community forums to discuss issues important to Exeter. Ensure that events, especially large ones, provide options for food and child care.
  4. Work with EXTV to establish procedures to be used by EXTV when interfacing with the citizens when creating TV programming.

Members of this advisory board shall consist of the following members:

There is hereby established by the Select Board a five (5) person Communications Advisory Committee

  • 1 member of the Select Board – Voting
  • Exeter TV staff – Non Voting
  • 3 At Large Members (appointed by Select Board)
  • 2 Alternate Members

At large members shall serve three-year staggered terms. Initial appointments shall be made for 1, 2 and 3 year terms and thereafter be 3 year terms.

Member Term Member Term
Martha McEntee, Chair 4/2027 Molly Cowan, SB Rep Term
Herb Moyer 4/2027 Nancy Belanger, SB Alt. Term
Lisa Dolloff 4/2025 Bob Glowacky, EXTV Rep.  
David Kovar - Alternate 4/2026 Andy Swanson, IT Rep.  
VACANT - Alternate 4/2026    

Updated: March 5, 2025