Town of Exeter Solar Array Development at the Cross Road Landfill

Photo of cover of proposal showing solar array

Press Release – Town of Exeter Solar Array Development at the Cross Road Landfill

Contact: Dave Sharples

Phone number/email: (603) 773-6114 /


Exeter NH. January 6, 2021: The Town of Exeter is considering the construction of up to a 1.75 megawatt solar array at the town’s closed landfill site on Cross Road. The town issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in November of 2020 and received two proposals. The Town created a five-member interview panel that included a member of the Sustainability Advisory Committee, a member of the Energy Committee, the Town Planner, the Assistant Town Engineer, and the DPW Highway Supervisor.

The panel recommended the Town of Exeter work with Revision Energy to pursue the project Revision Energy’s proposal included two options: a lease option and a direct ownership option. (full proposal is available at: The panel presented the project and described the two options at the January 4, 2021 Select Board meeting. At the meeting, the Select Board requested input from the public and town committees and placed the item on their January 11, 2021 agenda to discuss further and receive public input.

In the lease option, the town would lease the land for an initial period of 25 years to a private firm with four possible 5-year extensions. Under this scenario, the private firm would permit, construct, and maintain the solar array. There would be no capital investment made by the Town of Exeter. The town would simply be leasing the land and would receive an annual lease payment and payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT). As outlined in the Revision Energy proposal, the lease option would generate a total of $473,249 of revenue for the town during the initial 25- year lease period and a total $692,355 at the end of 40 years.

With direct ownership option, the Town of Exeter would issue a bond for approximately $3.6 million dollars to construct the solar array. The town would engage Revision Energy as a partner in the development process. Under this scenario, the town would construct, own and maintain the solar array development. However, the town would contract out the operations and maintenance of the facility to a third party. As outlined in the Revision Energy proposal, the direct ownership option would generate a total of $1,786,563 of revenue for the town during the initial 25-year ownership period and a total of $6,588,506 at the end of 40 years. Unlike the lease option, this scenario would allow the town the ability to claim credit for the renewable energy produced to offset the town’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Both options would require a warrant article and positive vote from the residents of Exeter. The Select Board wants to hear from the community on this project. If you have comments on this proposal you can email Select Board members, the Town Manager, or the Town Planner directly. Their emails can be found on the town’s website: