2025 First Kicks Soccer
Calendar Date:
Repeats every week every Saturday.
Saturday, May 3, 2025 - 9:00amAdd to your calendar:
Registration Starts Tuesday, February 18, 2025
A Coed Youth Soccer program for 4 & early 5 year olds! The goal for this age group is to introduce them to the basic concepts of soccer (dribbling, kicking, running, scoring goals!), help them improve their social skills, and most importantly…Have Fun! This will be purely instructional with a little play while encouraging them to enjoy themselves and make new friends. Let kids be kids!
**Please Note: If paying with a credit Card a processing fee of 3% will be charged as a separate transaction on your credit card bill, and will not appear on your final invoice.
We do not accept requests for your child to be placed with a specific team, player or coach. If a parent volunteers to coach, your child will be placed on the same team you will be coaching. Siblings will be placed on the same team if they are in the same age group.
Refunds will only be granted prior to the registration deadline. After the registration deadline, refunds will only be granted with a doctor's note for severe illness or injury or, if we can fill your spot with someone from the waiting list.
Location: Brickyard Park, Kingston Road Exeter, NH 03833
Dates: Saturdays, May 3 - June 7, 2025
FEES: Residents-$70.00 before deadline/$80.00 after deadline. Non-Residents-$80.00 before deadline/$90.00 after deadline.
Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025
Participants must be 4 by May 3, 2025 no exceptions.
This 60 Minute program will consist of a 30-minute practice followed by a 30-minute scrimmage Saturday’s between 9am-12pm.