Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question that has not been answered don't hesitate to contact us via the Recreation Contacts or by phone at (603) 773-6151.
Frequently Asked Questions
You may register for most programs and/or trips by doing any of the following:
1. Online: Completely read the program information form and proceed to the online registration site. Once you have signed in, select the program and proceed through the menu options. Payments are accepted with MasterCard/Visa/Discover.
2. In Person: Visit the Recreation Office, 32 Court St., Exeter between 8:15 am-4:15 pm, Monday through Friday.
3. By Mail: Print the registration form out, complete registration form and medical release form (if applicable), then send completed forms along with registration fee by US Mail:
Exeter Parks and Recreation Department
32 Court Street
Exeter NH, 03833
Note: if you cannot print forms from our site we suggest that you stop by to register in person. If that is not possible, send a self-addressed stamped envelope and we will send one to you.
We request that you list an emergency contact and phone number on each form. Forms are required even if you have registered in the past (as a backup in case of database error).
Financial assistance is available for Exeter residents only. Please inquire at the Recreation Office for more details.
1. All registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis
2. Proof of residency may be required at the time of registration
3. Payment is due upon registration at the office ONLY. Instructors may NOT accept registrations!
4. After registration has been completed, no class changes will be allowed.
5. E.P.R.D. may consolidate, postpone, or cancel programs due to insufficient enrollment.
6. Class minimums and maximums will be strictly followed where applicable.
7. Waiting lists will be formed when programs are filled. Every effort will be made to open additional classes when possible.
8. Telephone registrations are accepted where applicable.
9. After deadlines, registration is pending space availability.
An Exeter resident is someone whose primary residence is within the town limits. An Exeter mailing address does not necessarily mean that you are a resident. Having land in Exeter does not make you a resident. The post office boundaries and town limits are not the same. An example of what makes you a resident: If you register your vehicle or vote in the town of Exeter, or if your child attends Exeter Elementary Schools. Attending the High School does not necessarily make you a resident. If you have a question as to residency, please call the Recreation office.
In case of weather, those registered for the specific program will be notified directly. Please check your email and text messages. However, if school has been canceled there will be NO practice/games/programs on that specific day.
Cancelation and Refund Request Information: Program fees must be paid in full before the start of each program. Our instructors agree to teach based on enrollment, therefore no refunds will be given if you decide not to show up to any classes you are enrolled in. Generally, refunds will not be given after a class has started. Refunds will be given in the following circumstances:
-Participant cancelations due to serious illness or injury: Prorated refunds for injury or serious illness are given if written medical verification from your physician is received prior to the end of the program. This refund will be prorated to the number of classes left in the program after our office receives the verification. No refund will be given if we receive the written medical verification after the end of the program.
-Participant cancelation requests for other reasons: AII cancelations and refund requests must be in writing and are subject to the following cancelation fees: $10 fee for each program that meets 1-2 times per week; $25.00 fee for each program that meets 3 or more times per week.
-Trip Refund Policy: No refunds unless the trip/event is canceled by the venue or we find a replacement for you.
Refund Grievance: A written letter can be sent to the Recreation Advisory Board to be discussed at their next meeting if you feel there is an issue with a refund. All letters should be sent Attn: Greg Bisson, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 32 Court Street, Exeter NH 03833
Exeter Parks and Recreation Waitlist Policy
When a program, activity or event becomes full, a waitlist will be started. Payment will not be taken when being added to the waitlist. Residents and non-residents can join the waitlist online, over the phone, or in person. If a spot becomes available, priority will be given to Exeter residents in the order they joined the waitlist followed by non-residents in the order they joined the waitlist. The Exeter Parks & Recreation Department will call those listed on the waitlist to notify if a space opens. Response and payment must be made within 24 hours of notification to secure your registration. Please note, each individual interested in joining the waitlist for the program, activity, or event must be listed on the waitlist in order to be eligible to register should space become available.
There is no cost to be placed on a wait list. You are placed on the list and if a slot opens up in the program or trip we then call the people on the wait list; at that time you can decide whether or not you still wish to participate. If you choose to participate, you are expected to pay the fees associated with the program or trip at the time of registration.
Unfortunately, at this time the pool is only open during the summer season. Typically the pool will open for the season after the Exeter School District has had its last day school for the year and it will close Late August pending weather and staff. For more info on the pool go to Dan Healy Memorial Pool or find our links page and click on Pool.
If you are unhappy with the quality of service after your first class, please contact us at 603-773-6151 or Explain what went wrong, so we can make it right. In the event that we cannot make things right by the end of your second class, we will issue a full refund.
Periodically, the Parks & Recreation Department photographs/videotapes program participants for promotional use. Unless the participant informs us of their desire not to be photographed, the Parks & Recreation Department will use photographs/videotapes for their promotional purposes.
Because of the physical and verbal abuse taking place at youth sporting events across the country, many organizations have chosen to adopt a Zero Tolerance Policy towards abusive behavior. The Exeter Parks & Recreation Department has decided to take a proactive approach and adopt the following measures:
It is the responsibility of ALL coaches, players, parents, relatives, siblings, and other spectators to maintain the highest standards of conduct for their behavior at all EPRD sporting events including, but not limited to, practices, games, and tournaments. Abusive and obscene language, violent play, violent conduct, fighting, and other behaviors detrimental to the sporting event will not be tolerated.
It is the responsibility of ALL present to support the presiding official of that particular sport, i.e.: referees, umpires, officials, etc. There will be absolutely NO YELLING OR BELITTLING of these presiding officials. In addition, there will be no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, or intimidation of any kind towards the presiding officials. Failure to follow these simple instructions will undermine the official’s authority and has the potential to lead to a hostile environment for players, officials, and all other participants and spectators.
It is the understanding of any parent that chooses to have their child participate in EPRD events that these simple guidelines MUST BE FOLLOWED.
- Any minor infraction: A verbal request or warning will be given by a coach, referee, gym/field supervisor, or Exeter Parks & Recreation Staff and it is expected that the reason for the warning will stop immediately.
- Subsequent infractions: The offending person or player will be asked to leave the playing field area immediately until the next scheduled event. The Exeter Parks & Recreation Department and its Recreation Advisory Board members reserve the right to take further action depending on the severity of the situation.
- Serious or consistent infractions: EPRD reserves the right to take action as it deems necessary up to and including permanent dismissal from the EPRD leagues and playing areas. Should anyone not comply with this ruling, the EPRD will seek assistance from the local Police department immediately.
Coaches: Coaches are the role models for our youth and will make an impression on the players for years to come. Coaches must demonstrate good sportsmanship on and off the field. “Coach” represents and symbolizes a leadership role in our community and a representative of EPRD at all competitions. Coaches are expected to:
- Insure and promote the safety of all participants.
- Respect the decision of coaches and officials
- No expletives, disparaging comments or derogatory remarks
- Control the behavior of the parents/fans during competitions
- Show respect to all players, parents, officials, and opponents
- Teach fair play & Lead by example
Players: It is a privilege to play a sport, be on a team, and represent EPRD at various competitions. Therefore, players must follow the EPRD rules during all practices, games, tournaments, and other organized EPRD events. Players are expected to:
- Treat opponents, officials, and spectators with respect
- No expletives, disparaging comments or derogatory remarks
- Respect the decision of coaches and officials
- Show good sportsmanship by wining without boasting and losing without excuses
Spectators: EPRD is honored to have incredible parents and spectators. It is important to remember that the players respond to the actions and behaviors of the spectators. Spectators are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and show respect to all players, officials, and coaches. Spectators are also expected to:
- Not coach players from the sidelines during the game
- No expletives, disparaging comments or derogatory remarks
- Respect the decision of coaches and officials
- Do not criticize the officials or coaches
- Cheer and support all players regardless of the outcome
- Communicate with the coach and create a supportive environment
- Understand and respect the different roles of parents and coaches
- Understand that improper behavior at any event may result in a parent being asked to leave the field or event by a referee or other official and respect that action
- At all times show empathy for our young developing athletes
The likelihood that our children
will realize positive sports value is greatly enhanced when
everyone shows good sportsmanship.
Please review the Exeter Parks and Recreation Youth Sports Zero Tolerance policy with your participant. Adults and youth should exhibit the behavior outlined in the policy at all times while participating in all Exeter Parks and Recreation Youth Sports Leagues.
Contact Information
E-Newsletter Sign Up
32 Court Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Phone: 603-773-6151
Info. Line: 603-418-6495
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
8:15 AM - 4:15 PM
Upcoming Events
03/04/2025 - 9:30am
03/04/2025 - 12:30pm
03/04/2025 - 6:00pm