Site Evaluation and Cost Analysis
The Town of Exeter, New Hampshire is seeking qualification statements from interested consulting firms for feasibility and cost analysis services for the Exeter Recreation Park. A multi-use indoor turf facility and or outdoor athletic fields are in the exploration phase to be added to the current park. The work is anticipated to begin as soon as possible, but no later than February 20, 2016.
Qualification statements must be received by 2:00 p.m., November 30, 2015. Submissions shall be hand delivered or mailed to Exeter Parks and Recreation, 32 Court Street, Exeter, NH 03833. The submission shall be in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “RFQ No. 2015-01 Qualification Statement for Site Evaluation and Cost Analysis. No faxed, e-mailed, or electronic submissions will be accepted.
The Town of Exeter reserves the right to reject any or all submissions, to waive technical or legal deficiencies, and to accept any statement that it may deem to be in the best interests of the Town.
The Town also reserves the right to continue on with the subsequent engineering phases with the selected consultant.
Request for Qualifications packets attached.