2025 Styrofoam Recycling Event
Calendar Date:
Please don't toss your styrofoam! Recycle It at our FREE Collection Event!
The Sustainability Advisory Committee has partnered with the Gilford NH transfer station to offer styrofoam recycling on April 26th from 9am-11am*. We encourage you to save your styrofoam and bring your items to Exeter Public Works for drop off during those hours. For more details on what products are and are not allowed, click the info sheet below.
Help us avoid adding this unnecessary waste to the landfill.
Gilford has a styrofoam densifier system where clean styrofoam can be compressed into a product they sell to manufacturers that re-use it to create things like styrofoam insulation and other products. It saves them money because styrofoam is a bulky expensive item to trash and they turn it into a commodity. With support from the Town voters, the Sustainabilty Advisory Committee will be working on grant applications to bring a similar system here in Exeter. To learn more about the process and the level of interest, the Sustainabilitiy Committee is hosting this collection event.
If you want to volunteer to help that day, please contact Kristen Murphy kmurphy@exeternh.gov