Senior Center
Exeter's guide to age-friendly resources to help improve the quality of life for all.
Link to Exeter Senior Resource Guide:
- The Town of Exeter through the Exeter Parks and Recreation and the Council On Aging, offers a Taxi Ticket program through Academy Taxi.
Enjoy a full meal at the Exeter Senior Center. Meals are open to the following individuals:
■age 60 or older
■the spouse of someone 60 or older
■disabled individual accompanying a senior or residing in a housing facility where congregate meals are served
■anyone providing volunteer service during meal hours
The center offers a place for gathering, parties, socializing and lunch!
Exeter Parks and Recreation offers some fun, exciting day trips for everyone to enjoy.
Please click here to view the brochure online
Contact Information
Senior Center
30 Court Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Meals on Wheels: 778-8196
Facility Use: 773-6151