Senior Center


 Exeter's guide to age-friendly resources to help improve the quality of life for all.

Link to Exeter Senior Resource Guide:


Town of Exeter New Hampshire Official Website
  • The Town of Exeter  through the Exeter Parks and Recreation and the Council On Aging, offers a Taxi Ticket program through Academy Taxi.
Town of Exeter New Hampshire Official Website

Enjoy a full meal at the Exeter Senior Center. Meals are open to the following individuals:

    ■age 60 or older
    ■the spouse of someone 60 or older
    ■disabled individual accompanying a senior or residing in a housing facility where congregate meals are served
    ■anyone providing volunteer service during meal hours

The center offers a place for gathering, parties, socializing and lunch!


Squam Lake Cruise

Exeter Parks and Recreation offers some fun, exciting day trips for everyone to enjoy. 


Exeter Parks & Recreation is committed to offering a variety of programs and activities to residents that are affordable and accessible.    

Please click here to view the brochure online