Employment Benefits

Eligible employees will receive health, life, dental and flexible spending benefits the first of the month following 30 days from their date of hire.


www.healthtrustnh.org 800-852-3358

Health, Dental, Flexible Spending account, Life, Health & Wellness.

Health Insurance:
The Town provides several health insurance options to choose from. Plans include: BlueChoice POS (Point of Service Plan), and Access Blue New England HMO. Eligible employees may enroll in one of the available plans.

Employee contributions to Town Health Insurance offerings vary. Check with Human Resources for more details. 

Life Insurance:
Each full-time employee receives a life insurance benefit as follows:

Hourly Employees - $25,000 basic life coverage
Salaried Employees - Equal to 1x base salary, not to exceed $50,000
Employees may elect to have dependent coverage (for both spouse and dependent children) through a payroll deduction of $2.25 per month, regardless of the number of dependents. 


Spouse  - $10,000
Children under 6 months - $1,000
Children over 6 months - $5,000

Dental Insurance:
The Town offers dental insurance to all full-time employees through Northeast Delta Dental (www.nedelta.com) and pays 100% of the monthly premium for all single, 2-person and family enrollees.  



Vacation Leave: Full-time employees are entitled to annual leave.  Annual leave varies according to Personnel Manual and Union Contracts.

Sick Leave: Full-time employees earn sick leave per month (18 days per year). Sick time begins accruing on your first day of employment.  Leave varies according to Personnel Manual and Union Contracts.

Permanent part-time employees who work a minimum average of 20 hours per week are eligible for pro-rated sick leave.

Carry-over of sick leave is allowed, up to a maximum according to Personnel Manual and Union Contracts.

Personal Leave: All full-time employees are given 3 days off with pay, available January of each year.  Personal days are to be used in good faith for personal business that cannot be accomplished during normal working hours. Personal days are pro-rated based upon date of hire (If hired in first third of year = 3 days at hire; second third of year = 2 days at hire; final third of year = 1 day at hire) and are earned on January 1st thereafter. Carry-over of personal days is not allowed.

Holiday Leave: Full-time employees are eligible for holiday leave with pay for the following Town recognized holidays.

  • New Year's Day
  • Civil Rights Day
  • President's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veteran's Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas
  • Uniformed Police and Fire employees receive holiday pay in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing bargaining agreements.


New Hampshire Retirement System

www.nhrs.org                 800-600-0158

Retirement system for Group 1 Employees and Group 2 Police and Fire.

New Hampshire Retirement System: All full-time employees must join the New Hampshire Retirement System. The employee and the Town both contribute a percentage to the employee's fund, all based upon rates provided by the New Hampshire Retirement System. Employees who retire are entitled to a pension allowance dependent upon wages and years of service.

Current employee contribution rates are as follows:

Group I : Employees 7%

Group II: Police 11.55% & Fire 11.80%

Group I members contribute to Social Security, while Group II members do not.

Deferred Compensation (457 Plans): The Town offers the following plans:  State of NH 457, Voya and PFPOPE to help plan for your retirement. Although full-time employees are required to join the NH Retirement System, participation in additional deferred compensation programs are voluntary and there is no contribution from the Town.


www.nhprimex.org 800-698-2364

Risk management (Workers Compensation, Property Liability, unemployment)


For more information on any of the items above contact Human Resources at 603-418-6405 or e-mail: mroy@exeternh.gov.