Adopt-A-Garden Program

Downtown Island

What are the adopt-a-garden programs?

The "Adopt a Garden" program is designed to make it clear to visitors and residents alike that we care about our Town and the way it looks. For years, this program has helped the Town and volunteers like you improve the appearance of our roadways and roadside gardens while reducing the cost of litter removal. Without you this would not be possible!

This program has been "growing" over the last couple of years. During the planting season our department has financial resources. However, our staffing many times is only two people. Given our numerous seasonal demands, this program has assisted us and has made the gardens throughout the town more beautiful. 

Who can adopt a garden?

Anyone! Local community organizations and clubs, churches, synagogues, businesses, families, even individuals aged 18 years or older. Groups with members younger than 15 must have adult supervision when working their adopted location.

Why Adopt?

The program gives you a way to show pride in your community. You also get recognition for your efforts on the "Adopt a Garden" signs near your adopted garden. Picking up trash along a roadway and/or maintaining a garden is an easy, team-building project that takes no financial commitment and only a few hours.


 If your group/organization is interested, contact
The Exeter Parks and Recreation Department at 773-6151.


How does it work?

In this program volunteers select a roadside or intersection garden to plant and maintain. Again, we ask that each organization make a season-long commitment to their garden. The group itself, together with the Exeter Parks and Recreation Department selects and provides suitable planting materials.

We hope to have all the sites mulched by early to mid-May. Once that is complete we can either provide flowers or make arrangements for your group to pick them up at our cost (within reason). We can discuss a budget for each site. We would like all planting to be complete by Memorial Day. We will provide ongoing watering throughout the summer. Your group would provide periodic weeding of the site.


The Following is a list of previous adopters of the gardens:

Yeti Landcare: Townhouse Common

 Available: Bandstand

Friends of Exeter Library: Founders Park

Available : Water St. Common

TEAM: Boathouse Garden

Seacoast School of Tech/FFA Chapter: Town Offices

Available : Gale Park

Rotary Club: Powder House

Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce: Town Hall

Prime Asia Leather : Holland Way Island on Rte. 88 & 27

Exeter Area General Federation Women's Club : Stewart Park

 Alchemy and Herbs : Stewart Park 2

Gwen English/Leslie Haslem: Robinson Seminary

Jeffery Toomey Landscape Contractors, LLC: Rte. 111A/Hampton Rd.

 Available: Train Station

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Powder House
Stuart Park