Lifeguard Certification Course Ages 15+

Lifeguard Course

Registration Starts Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Exeter Parks & Recreation is offering an American Red Cross blended learning lifeguard course for anyone age 15 and older (student must be age 15 on or before June 4, 2025). Blended Learning means there is an online portion that the student can complete on their own time. All online portions must be completed before the first in-person session on May 28. Students must bring a printed report that shows all sections of the online portion have been completed, as well as, a valid form of ID to show proof of age and identity (driver’s license, state identification card, passport or birth certificate). If birth certificate is used to provide proof of age, an additional form of identification with a photo is also needed. To successfully complete a course in the Lifeguarding program, the participant must:
• Complete all online course content in advance of the corresponding in-person skill sessions
• Attend the entire course and participate in all class sessions
• Actively participate in all course activities, including assuming various roles during skill practices, skill drills, activities and scenarios (in water and on land)
• Demonstrate proficiency in all skills (in water and on land)
• Pass the final written exam with a minimum grade of 80 percent
• Pass the final skill assessments (See American Red Cross website for more information)

PREREQUISITES: In order to participate in the lifeguard certification course, students must be at least 15 years of age. Students must also be able to perform the following sequences on the first day of the in-person session:

1. Jump into the water from the side, totally submerge, recover to the surface and swim 150 yards. After swimming 150 yards, maintain position at the surface of the water without support for 2 minutes by treading, using your legs only. After maintaining position at the surface of the water for 2 minutes, swim 50 more yards.

  •  While swimming, you must swim continuously, keeping your face in the water and demonstrate good breath control.
  •  You may use front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both. Swimming on the back or side is not permitted.
  •  Swim goggles are allowed

2. Complete a Time Event

  • 1 minute and 40 seconds to swim 20 yards, surface dive (head-first or feet-first) to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound diving brick, return to the surface and swim 20 yards on your back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping your face at or near the surface. Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.

Date: May 27-June 4, 2025 (Does NOT Meet May 30, May 31 & June 1, 2025)

Time: 3:00pm-6:00pm

Age requirement: Participants must be age 15 on or before our final class date (June 4, 2025).

Fee: $250.00 Residents/$275.00 Non-Residents. The cost of this course does not cover any materials, such as lifeguard manual, which can be purchased through the American Red Cross Store. 

Fee covers access to the Red Cross Learning Center – Student Portal to:

• Access and launch online courses

• Access relevant digital course materials (lifeguard manual)

• View their certifications

• Link to the Red Cross Store to purchase course materials and supplies

• Learn more about the science behind the course content

• Learn about other opportunities, such as becoming an instructor

• Get help from the Training Support Center

LOCATION: The course will be held at 32 Court Street Exeter, NH.


DEADLINE: The Deadline to register for this course is Friday, May 16, 2025 at 4:30pm. Late registration is on a first-come, first-served basis pending team availability.
If you have any questions about this course, please contact or call 603-773-8073


 **Please Note:  If paying with a credit Card a processing fee of 3% will be charged as a separate transaction on your credit card bill, and will not appear on your final invoice.