Groundwater Reports

The Town of Exeter has operated a groundwater system in conjunction with a surface water system for over 50 years.  The Town's primary groundwater sources in recent years have been the Lary Lane Well, located on Lary Lane, and Skinner Springs, a groundwater source in Stratham.  The Town recently completed the construction of a new groundwater plant on Lary Lane which is providing over 1 million gallons per day of groundwater to the public water system.  The new project involved reactivation of the Gilman and Stadium wells, two groundwater wells that had been in use in the 1970s but mothballed due to the town's conversion to a primarily surface water system.  In addition, the new groundwater plant has tied in the Lary Lane well, allowing full use of the well and avoiding potentially expensive arsenic remediation that was proposed by NHDES.

Several reports below highlight the Town's recent efforts on its groundwater program.