Water Restriction Updates 2020-2021

Update 8/26/21: The Public Works Department with Exeter Selectboard approval agreed (Selectboard Meeting 8/23/21) to discontinue the water use restrictions. 

Update 4/27/21: The U.S. Drought Monitor dated April 20, 2021, indicates the entire State of New Hampshire is now abnormally dry (D0) or in moderate drought (D1) conditions. The Town of Exeter and the upper reaches of the Exeter River watershed continue to be abnormally dry (D0); drought conditions have persisted here since May 2020.

The Public Works Department with Exeter Selectboard approval will be continuing the Level 2 outdoor water use restrictions which allow landscape watering every other day (even/odd watering) and do not restrict other outdoor water uses. Water users are encouraged to practice effective water conservation. For helpful tips on water use and conservation visit EPA WaterSense.

Update 3/19/21:  The U.S. Drought Monitor dated February 16, 2021, indicates drought conditions throughout the Town of Exeter and the upper reaches of the Exeter River watershed continue to be abnormally dry (D0). The Exeter Select Board reduced outdoor watering restrictions to Level 2 on January 4, 2021, which allows landscape watering every other day and does not restrict other outdoor water uses. The Public Works Department recommends continuing the Level 2 restrictions.

Update 1/5/2021: The U.S. Drought Monitor dated December 29, 2020, indicates there has been improvement to current drought conditions; the Town of Exeter and the upper reaches of the Exeter River watershed are abnormally dry (D0). The Exeter Select Board has approved reducing the Level 4 restrictions, which ban outdoor watering, to Level 2 restrictions which allow landscape watering every other day and do not restrict other outdoor water uses.

Update 11/5/2020: The U.S. Drought Monitor dated November 3, 2020, indicates there has been some drought improvement; the extent of extreme drought and severe drought areas in Rockingham County has been reduced. Roughly the northern half of Exeter is in severe drought, and the southern half is in moderate drought. The Exeter Select Board along with the Public Works Department recommends continuing restrictions at Level 4, which bans outdoor watering. Forecasts are not indicating significant precipitation this fall; it is unlikely that surface waters will be replenished or groundwater recharged before freezing conditions.

Update 9/21/2020: Due to worsening severe drought conditions, the Town continues the ban on outdoor water use under Level 4 water use restrictions in Exeter’s Water Ordinance to include Exeter residents on private wells. The Town water supplies are finite and decreasing with only minor precipitation predicted until the end of November.

Update 8/25/2020:  Effective immediately, the Department of Public Works and Select Board are requiring town residents, residents on private wells, and water customers to conserve water and refrain from using water outdoors such as watering of landscape areas and lawns, pool filling and washing down of paved surfaces until precipitation mitigates drought conditions.

The entire state of New Hampshire is in a drought; southeastern part of the state, including all of Rockingham County, is in a severe drought. Low rainfall this spring and summer has created a significant rain deficit of over 9 inches. High evaporation rates during excessively warm summer days have exacerbated the severe drought conditions. The National Weather Service is predicting higher than average temperatures through October.

Saving water for essential uses, such as fire suppression, drinking, cooking, sanitation and cleaning of clothes and dishes is paramount. A temporary ban of non-essential uses such as watering lawns, washing vehicles outdoors and hosing down the driveway is key to conserving water supplies until enough rain is received to replenish water sources. Let the lawn go dormant and use a commercial car wash facility that practices water recycling.

An above average amount of mild rainstorms that allow water to soak in are needed to fully recharge lakes, rivers and ground water sources before the winter. It is unlikely that the amount and type of rain needed will be received to fully recharge water sources. Widespread shortages are imminent if the recharge from rain is not used wisely. The Town of Exeter needs the cooperation of customers and residents to help protect water supplies.

Additional information about current drought conditions, water efficiency tips and drought guidance is available online at www.des.nh.gov and the Drought Management Program.

For more information contact Jennifer Perry, Director of Public Works, or Matthew Berube, Water/Sewer Manager at 773-6157.