Arts and Culture Advisory Commission

Arts Commission


The Town of Exeter Arts & Culture Advisory Commission is committed to supporting, encouraging and publicly recognizing the exceptional and vibrant arts community of Exeter, New Hampshire.  Promotion of Exeter's artistic and cultural community will enhance an appreciation and awareness of arts and culture in the community through increased dialogue and participation of citizens.  Integration of arts and culture will improve the physical, social, economic and educational aspects of our community.  Promoting arts and culture is essential to continued prosperity.

Committee Charge: 

Purposes of the Arts & Culture Advisory Committee are as follows:

1. Study, consider and recommend to the Select Board general policies for the arts in Exeter, NH

2. Develop and promote programs, forums, exhibits that highlight the talent and active art related venue currently existing in Exeter, NH

3. Distinguish the identity of Exeter's cultural brand and arts viability for residents and visitors

4. Centralize networks and venues within the community

5. Integrate culture into educational, recreational and social activities

6. Strategic promotion of Exeter's art and culture

7. Utilize arts and culture to produce additional economic opportunities and evolve the community in a more sustainable way

8. The efforts of this commission include informing residents and visitors of all the various arts-related businesses, organizations, non-profits and annual events.  Establish a communication plan to coordinate and engage with the community.

9. Serve as liaison with the Parks & Recreation Department who continue to process Town event requests

The Select Board hereby establishes an Arts & Culture Advisory Commission consisting of the following members:

1 member of the Select Board (non-voting)

7 at large members (appointed by the Select Board)

2 alternate members (appointed by the Select Board)

Initial appointments shall be made for 1, 2 and 3-year terms and thereafter be a 3-year term.

The Commission meets on the 4th Tuesday evening of each month.  The public is encouraged to attend.

Adopted by the Select Board: 


Voting Members                                 Term                      Members                                           Term

 Anthony Callendrello Vice-Chair Apr. 2027         VACANT                                   Apr. 2025

 Scott Ruffner                Chair          Apr. 2027          Dawn Amey                            Apr. 2026

 VACANT                                             Apr. 2027           Kelsey Dumville   Alt             Apr. 2025

 Florence Ruffner                              Apr. 2025           VACANT                 Alt.            Apr. 2025

 Bruce Jones                                     Apr. 2026           

Nancy Belanger, SB Rep                Term                    Julie Gilman, SB Alt.               Term

Updated: March 5, 2025

Commission News

band stand with town hall in the background

November 12th, 2021 - Exeter, NH:

The Arts and Culture Advisory Commission hosted an online survey to gather feedback from the community related to the Town Hall. Attached to this page are the survey responses of the 107 respondents.