Recycling during the Holiday Season
How can I stay green during the holidays?
When the holiday seasons are in full swing, they are accompanied by a whirlwind of activity. This can create extra items for your waste and recycling containers. Keep the following tips in mind to reduce your impact on the environment.
Shopping Tips
- Consider giving no-waste gifts, such as downloadable music, electronically activated memberships or tickets.
- Buy products made from recycled or organic content, like bags and clothing.
- Consider no-waste wrapping options, like reusable bags, backpacks or purses.
- Keep in mind that foil, metallic, or glitter accent wrapping paper is not recyclable.
Decorating Tips
- Store your holiday decorations for reuse each year.
- If you upgrade your holiday decor, be sure to donate your old decor so other families can enjoy the spirit of the season.
- Make your own decorations from recycled materials.
- Broken Christmas lights: Check local hardware or home improvement stores to see if they have a collection spot (on occasion they do).
Celebration Tips
- Send holiday greetings via e-mail or social media.
- When entertaining, use washable utensils, plates, glasses, cloth napkins, and reusable table covers.
- Have containers where guests can put recyclable, empty cans and bottles.
- Place a compostable bag-lined bin next to your trash bin for food scraps to compost at the Transfer Station. Even that leftover turkey bones can be composted.
Recycling Tips
- Make sure your plastic shopping bags go back to local retail stores. Plastic bags don't belong in curbside recycling bins.
- For shipments coming to your house, be sure to break down your cardboard boxes (2' x 2') before placing them in your recycling bin.
- Avoid putting bubble wrap and lights in your recycling bin, both of which can get tangled in recycling sorting equipment and create a safety hazard.
- For live Christmas trees, the Public Works Department offers curbside tree pick-up usually during the 2nd week of January.