Historic District Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I'm in a Historic District?
There is an overly map in the Planning Office in the Town Office building that shows the boundaries of the historic districts.  A copy of the map is in the back of the Guidelines for the Preservation of the Exeter Historic District, also available at the Planning Office.


How can I read the Guidelines?
You can view the Guidelines here. You can also view the Guidelines at the Exeter Public Library or the Planning Office. Copies are also available for purchase at the Planning Office.


How do I know if I need to submit an application and appear before the Historic District Commission before I do work on my building or house?
The Guidelines provide general requirements for obtaining commission approval.  For example, repainting is considered maintenance and does not require prior Commission approval.  However, prior consultation with Commission members and review of paint colors in the Guidelines is encouraged.  Exterior building and landscape changes which alter the external appearance of a property require prior Commission approval.  As always, property owners should contact Commission members with their questions about getting the necessary approvals. The Planning Department will forward questions for the Historic District Commission to the Chairman.


I'm planning to do some interior renovations to my home in the historic district.  Do I need to submit an application?  
No.  Only exterior changes require an HDC application.


How can I best prepare for a HDC meeting?
The HDC application was written to help you gather and prepare to present data to support your application.  Pay particular attention to page 2 of the application and "Application Requirements."  Photos, drawings detailing size and location, and samples of new materials are all extremely helpful in assessing the merits of an application.


My house was built in 1950. Will it be held to the same standards as the older house next door?
No.  Each application is reviewed on its own merit.  Design and materials should be true to the period of the structure.


The steps to my house need to be rebuilt and I have some other periodic maintenance to perform.  Do I need to submit an application to the HDC?
No.  As long as you are maintaining the existing structure and materials, no application is required.  If you are repairing or replacing your steps using the same materials and design, this is considered maintenance.  If you want to rebuild the steps using different construction materials or change the style of railing, for example, then this is considered a change in appearance and requires an HDC application.


When do I have to submit an application to the HDC?
Applications must be submitted and approved by the HDC prior to beginning any proposed work, so it is best to plan ahead.  The HDC meets each month on the third Thursday. The deadline for application submission is found on the HDC Meeting Schedule or by calling the Planning Department. 


What other resources can I use to help me with maintaining my historic home?
The Exeter HDC offers some general guidelines for structures within the historic districts.  Also, the National Park Service has extensive online documents to assist in the maintenance and repair of historic structures. 

What Are Historic Districts Good for, Anyway?

There are many different reasons and ways that Historic Districts benefit the Town. You can read up on them here