Kingston Road Shoulder Widening - RFQ
The Town of Exeter is requesting statements of qualifications to provide comprehensive professional engineering services for a project to widen road shoulders on approximately 1.1 miles of Kingston Road (NH Route 111) in the Town of Exeter. The Town has been awarded a grant from the NH Department of Transportation’s (NHDOT) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) to fund a portion of this project.
General Requirements
Engineering firms making qualifications must respond in writing to all requirements of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Responses should reflect detailed considerations of the issues and opportunities presented by this specific project. Any additional information or tasks that are felt to be relevant by the responding firm should be included together with the submittal requirements.
Sealed qualifications should be plainly marked "RFQ No. DPW 2015-02 – Professional Engineering Services, Kingston Road Shoulder Widening" on the outside of the mailing envelope and addressed to:
Town of Exeter
Public Works Department
13 Newfields Rd
Exeter, NH 03833
Attn: Jennifer Mates, P.E.
Qualifications will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 9, 2015 at the Public Works office. Five copies of the proposal shall be submitted. Costs incurred for the preparation of a proposal in response to this RFQ shall be the sole responsibility of the firm submitting the proposal. The Town of Exeter reserves the right to select or reject any engineering firm that it deems to be in the best interest to accomplish the project specified. The Town reserves the right to accept the proposal on one or more items of a proposal, on all items of a proposal or any combination of items. The Town reserves the right to discontinue the selection process at any time prior to the awarding of a contract. There will be no reimbursement to any candidate firm if the selection process is terminated. The Town reserves the right to waive defects and informalities of the qualifications.