Boiler Replacement Bid - Safety Complex
The Town of Exeter invites interested contractors to submit proposals for the “Public Safety Complex Boiler Replacement 2015” in complete conformance with the attached "Scope of Work". All prices submitted shall be lump sum and no additional compensation will be made by the Town unless approved by written change order signed by the Public Works Director. All work shall conform to the attached specifications and Supplemental Instructions.
The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals not conforming to the specifications or deemed not to be in the best interest of the Town. Proposals will be evaluated by the Public Works Director, and Exeter Town Manager. The quality, service availability, and the contractor's experience will be considered for the final selection.
The successful contractor must submit proof of liability and worker's compensation insurance within ten (10) days of the "Notice of Selection" as the acceptable contractor.
Proposals will be sealed and clearly marked, “Public Safety Complex Boiler Replacement 2015” and shall be submitted no later than 3:00p.m., on August 10, 2015, to the Office of the Town Manager, 10 Front Street, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833.