Jady Hill Water and Sewer Improvements

Jady Hill Project
Project Overview

In 2010 funds were appropriated for the Jady Hill Project to begin. The main goal is to replace the current system of water and sewer pipes in the Jady Hill area to improve both the water quality and service for its residences, and reduce the infiltration and inflow (I/I) into Exeter's Waste Water system.

Infiltration and inflow increases the expense of running the Waste Water Treatment Plant as the water that would normally not enter the system at all needs to be treated. In turn increasing the annual total of cost for Treatment, but also increasing the maintenance costs of the Plant.

By replacing and rehabilitating the Jady Hill lines I/I flows will reduce depleting the stress on our current system. When flows reach capacity it requires a combined sewer overflow (CSO) into Clemson Pond. These CSO releases have become the subject of an administrative order to reduce the CSO problem in Town.