Winter Season

plow truck

It is the goal and intent of the Town of Exeter to provide timely, efficient, and cost-effective winter maintenance, snow removal, and ice control on the roadways of the municipality for the safety and benefit of the Town's residents and the general motoring public. This will be achieved by implementing and executing the procedures and tasks outlined in the Town Winter Operations Snow Removal and Ice Control Procedures. Due to the many variables inherent in New England weather, each storm and weather event may require different levels of effort and/or emphasis on any number of maintenance tasks, which together, determine the overall winter maintenance, snow removal or ice control strategy.  It is not possible to maintain snow and ice-free roads or sidewalks during a winter storm.  The Town will make every effort possible to provide unobstructed and clean roadways to facilitate safe transportation. It is our policy to start to conduct snow plowing upon accumulation of two or more inches of snowfall. The Highway Superintendent or Public Works Director may, at his or her discretion based upon weather information reports, elect to not remove snow until greater or lesser accumulations. Pre-treatment and ice control may be initiated prior to the actual storm beginning, during the actual storm as deemed effective, and following the storm. It should be noted that salt has a much slower effect on melting snow and ice at temperatures below 20 degrees, and may not be applied until the temperature is 20 degrees or higher. Sidewalk snow clearing operations on select sidewalks will be conducted during winter storms. Personnel and equipment availability and the needs to maintain safe roadways may delay sidewalk cleaning operations. 

Resident Winter Tips:

Residents and business owners can assist with snow removal efforts, as well as improve services along their street during and after storms, by following these guidelines:

Park Vehicles Off-Street – During snow emergencies, it is prohibited to park along streets. Outside of snow emergencies, the winter parking ban applies from December 1st - March 15th. Regardless of whether any of these restrictions are in place, it is always helpful to park off-street during the winter months. This allows the Public Works Department to continue snow removal efforts and prepare for the next storm. 

FREE Salt and Sand - Residents are welcome to help themselves to a 5 gallon bucket of salt and sand located at the Public Works Complex (13 Newfields Rd). The resident salt and sand shed is the small shed located on the left side as you drive up our driveway. Bring your own bucket and shovel!

Make sure trash/recycling is accessible – If a snowstorm occurs immediately before or on your trash/recycling collection day, please do not place your materials for pickup until absolutely necessary. If too much snow builds up around the receptacles, crews will not be able to service them.  

Basketball Hoops - Make sure basketball hoops are pushed back far enough away from the road to leave adequate plow space.

Keep your mailbox clear – Maintain an accessible area in front of your mailbox to allow for mail delivery.  If a plow driver accidentally damages your mailbox, see our snow and ice policy below.

Keep children safe – Do not allow children to play on or around the street during a storm or afterward. Visibility is often limited during snowplowing efforts.  Snow forts or tunnels in snowbanks present a serious hazard.  In addition, sledding areas and toys should be kept far away from the street.

Clear around a fire hydrant – If there is a fire hydrant located near your residence or business, consider helping out emergency efforts by keeping access to the hydrant clear of snow. Hydrants are cleared by a limited Public Works crew after the roadways and sidewalks are clear. 

Clearing the end of your driveway – When clearing snow from the end of your driveway, it may be less frustrating to wait until the snowplow has passed.  When facing the street, clear snow to the right (or, on a one-way street, in the direction of traffic flow). This will minimize the amount of snow pushed back in front of your driveway.

Never push snow into the right-of-way – It is unlawful for you or your contractors to push any snow or ice into a street, sidewalk, or other right-of-ways.  Such actions create hazards in areas that have already been cleared.

Help clear sidewalks – Although the Public Works Department clears many sidewalks, residents and business owners are encouraged to help clear them when possible.

For Business OwnersThe sidewalk in front of your business, which is in the town’s right of way, is maintained by the town and we ask for your assistance. All obstructions must be removed from the sidewalk or the vicinity, for winter maintenance during inclement weather during and after business hours.  This includes: planters, sale items, tables, and chairs, in addition, all awnings must be rolled up during inclement weather to allow safe passage for the sidewalk tractor.   The town is not liable for damages to private property located within the right of way and this will help avoid potential damage to your property as well as ours.