Water System and Supply Reports

The Town of Exeter has had several important reports and studies conducted on its public water supply and public water systems.  These reports include:

2011 - Water Efficiency and Management Plan - This plan, developed by Exeter Public Works and Weston & Sampson, reviews the approach and viability of integrated water management within the Town.

2010 - Water Supply Alternatives Study.  This study, conducted by Weston & Sampson, was commissioned to review water supply alternatives based on the Town pursuing a different direction after voters disapproved a proposed new surface water plant in the mid 2000's.  As a result of the study, the town constructed a new groundwater treatment plant on Lary Lane, which opened in late 2015.

2004 - Water Rights study.  This study looks at various water rights within the Exeter system.

2003 - Safe Yield Study.  This study, funded by the Aquarion company, reviewed the safe yield of Exeter's system in the event of a future interconnection with another system.

2002 - Water System Evaluation Study, conducted by Camp Dresser & McKee.  This study looked at the complete water system, making recommendations for various short and long-term capital improvements.

Reports, Studies, and Documents

Title Attachments
Annual Water Quality Reports
Drinking Water Public Notices
Exeter-Stratham Water/Sewer Study