Jailhouse Spring located on Oak St
1/3/2023: The Public Works Department has been receiving multiple calls and questions regarding the natural spring on Oak St. The spring is not flowing at this time, and the pipe may be clogged. The Jailhouse spring is located on private property and outside of the Town's jurisdiction. There is no shut-off valve for the pipe. The spring is not regularly tested and the Exeter Health Department warns users to drink at their own risk.
October 2021: The Exeter Health Department received reports of gastro-intestinal illness (in the beginning of October 2021) including one confirmed report of Giardia. While the source of the exposure has not been confirmed, the affected individuals reported drinking from the Jailhouse Spring in common. The Jailhouse Spring is not regularly tested and the Exeter Health Department warns users to drink at their own risk. This is not related to the Salem Street Utility Improvement Project.
If you are feeling ill with any gastro-intestinal symptoms, please contact your Primary Care Physician. Please contact the Exeter Health Department with any questions (603-773-6132).