Pan Am Railroad Crossing Construction
Update 11/5/21: PanAm will be performing repair work at the Salem St RR crossing on Tuesday and Wednesday next week (11/9 and 11/10). The tracks will be closed to all vehicles between 7 am and 5 pm on both days.
Past Pan Am Construction Updates
Update 9/9/2021: PanAm will be doing repairs to the railroad tracks at Powder Mill Rd next Tuesday, September 14th beginning at 7 am through Wednesday, September 15th at 5 pm. The road will be completely closed to vehicles during this time.
Update 10/15/19: Beginning at 7:00 am on Wednesday, October 16th Pan Am Railways will be milling & paving both Main Street and Salem Street railroad crossings. Main Street will be open to alternating one-way traffic. The Salem Street crossing will be one-way (eastbound to Water Street) with a detour on the Summer Street side to Park Street. Both railroad crossings will allow school buses and pedestrians through in both directions. Milling and paving should be completed in one day.
Pan Am Railways will be rebuilding the railroad crossings at Main Street on August 27th-28th and Front Street on August 29th-30th. The construction will take up to two days per crossing and the road will be closed to all traffic including emergency vehicles. The contractor will be constructing one crossing at a time so the two roads will not be closed at the same time.
Main Street railroad crossing closure will start 8/27/19 at 7 am and re-open 8/28/19 in the evening.
Front Street railroad crossing closure will start 8/29/19 at 7 am and re-open 8/30/19 in the evening.
For train scheduling, please refer to Pan Am Railways or Amtrak. The Pan Am Railways contractor will work rain or shine. The road will remain closed overnight. For questions, please contact Jay Perkins, Highway Superintendent 603-773-6157.