Public Water System Asset Management Plan
The Town of Exeter is requesting consulting services for development of an Asset Management Plan (Plan) for the town’s water system. The Plan must meet the requirements of the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) grant that has been awarded to the town.
Consulting firms making proposals must respond in writing to all requirements of this Request for Proposals (RFP). Responses should reflect detailed considerations of the issues and opportunities presented by this specific project. Any additional information or tasks that are felt to be relevant by the responding firm should be included together with the submittal requirements. Applicants must be on the pre-qualified consultant list for the NHDES Water Division for work on water supply, treatment and distribution. Sealed proposals, plainly marked "RFP No. DPW 2014-01 - Proposal for Asset Management Plan - Engineering Services" on the outside of the mailing envelope, addressed to:
Town of Exeter
Public Works Department
Public Works Director
13 Newfields Rd
Exeter, NH 03833
Proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 21, 2014 at the Public Works office. Five copies of the proposal shall be submitted. One cost proposal, in a separate sealed envelope, shall be included with the proposals.