Winter Street, Columbus Ave, Railroad Ave Intersection Improvements
Safety deficiencies at the Winter Street, Columbus Avenue, and Railroad Avenue intersections were identified in the town-wide intersection study that was completed in July 2022. The report found that the existing intersection geometry contributes to sight distance and vehicle conflict issues. The northbound Winter Street stop line is set too far back for motorists to gain a clear view of free-flowing traffic on Winter Street and Railroad Avenue. Similarly, the Columbus Avenue stop line is set back such that motorists have difficulty seeing southbound Winter Street traffic without moving up beyond the stop line to see around the fence to their left. The commercial driveway opposite Columbus Avenue effectively makes this a five-legged intersection and adds to the potential conflict points. Columbus Avenue residents that attended a May 31, 2022 public presentation confirmed that sight lines and vehicle speeds are a concern when entering the intersection from Columbus Avenue. Improvements include shifting the western Winter Street curb line slightly east into the roadway in the vicinity of Columbus Avenue to make southbound traffic more visible to the vehicles entering the intersection from Columbus Avenue and to potentially slow southbound traffic. Stop bars will be relocated on Winter Street and Columbus Avenue to improve northbound and southbound sight distances. Work is expected to take two to three weeks to complete.

Status Updates
5/10/2024 - Winter Street/Columbus Ave/Railroad Ave Intersection: Bell and Flynn is almost done preparing for pavement. On Monday, May 13th the street side with the new curbing will be paved. On Thursday, May 16th the concrete drop downs will be installed. Once these tasks are complete they will have a schedule for the sidewalk installation. This schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather.
5/6/2024 - Winter Street/Columbus Ave/Railroad Ave Intersection: The contractor cut the old pavement last week and will remove this pavement debris today. On Tuesday, May 7th Bell and Flynn will install two new catch basins, and it is anticipated that the granite curbing will be installed on Thursday, May 9th. Please be cautious around the crews working in the area. This schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather.
4/29/2024 - Winter Street/Columbus Ave/Railroad Ave Intersection: Contractors working for the Public Works Department began constructing improvements to the Winter Street, Columbus Avenue, and Railroad Avenue intersection. Safety deficiencies at this intersection were identified in the town-wide intersection study that was completed in July 2022. The report found that the existing intersection geometry contributes to sight distance and vehicle conflict issues. The northbound Winter Street stop line is set too far back for motorists to gain a clear view of free-flowing traffic on Winter Street and Railroad Avenue. Similarly, the Columbus Avenue stop line is set back such that motorists have difficulty seeing southbound Winter Street traffic without moving up beyond the stop line to see around the fence to their left. The commercial driveway opposite Columbus Avenue effectively makes this a five-legged intersection and adds to the potential conflict points. Columbus Avenue residents that attended a May 31, 2022 public presentation confirmed that sight lines and vehicle speeds are a concern when entering the intersection from Columbus Avenue. Improvements include shifting the western Winter Street curb line slightly east into the roadway in the vicinity of Columbus Avenue to make southbound traffic more visible to the vehicles entering the intersection from Columbus Avenue and to potentially slow southbound traffic. Stop bars will be relocated on Winter Street and Columbus Avenue to improve northbound and southbound sight distances. Work is expected to take two to three weeks to complete.